(商品打折海报文案英文 )

热心up主 78 0


Hey!Come to semir Clothes Sale! And have a look.Do you like sweaters?We sell sweaters in all colors for only 30 dollars.All the socks are at a very good price--just 3 dollars.We have nice shorts for girls as well as boys for only 25 dollars.Black and white are the fashion color in 2023.We sell black and white hats only 10 dollars.It is so cheap!Don't you believe it?Come and see for yourself.


Come on! Go to the Lucky Hat Store to buy hats which is on sale! Do you like hats? We have good hats for only 12 yuan! For girls, we have red and pink hats. For boys, we have black and white hats. Anyone can afford it. Please come to our Lucky Hat Store to have a look!


楼主,你好, 英文中的折扣,就按照直译过来。 5%Discount 就是给客人5个点的折扣,也就是打了95折。 再比如说拿6%佣金,就是总金额的6个点,作为客人给你的佣金。 中文中,打3折,就是扣除70%。价格*30%,是打折之后的价格。


Saving money is making money,come on, there are a lot of high quality products on sales,you can feel the different shopping experience.


1 广告是重要的宣传手段
2 在服装店的广告中,需要使用吸引人的语言和图片,让顾客对服装店产生兴趣,从而增加顾客流量
3 可以使用一些诸如“最新款式”、“优惠折扣”等语言,同时搭配时尚的图片,吸引更多的顾客前来购买。

come on ,we are on sale clothes.Our T-shirt sale only 12 dollars.And pants sale only 26 dollars.we have red,green and black colour.Socks sale 2 dollars. Sports shoes sale 31dollars each.we have scarf only 8 dollars.sweater have only 5 dollars.



Window shopping: 一种享受购物过程的方式,不一定要买什么,只是欣赏商店的陈列和欣赏其他人的购物成果。

Salesperson: 热情的售货员,他们会给你介绍最适合你的商品,并帮助你找到你想要的。

Bargain: 便宜货,你可以在商场里找到很多折扣商品,有些价格低得让人惊喜。

(商品打折海报文案英文 )-第1张图片-臭鼬助手

Lining up: 如果你想要买某个特别的东西,你可能需要排队等候,有时候需要排很长的队。

Frantic: 当时间紧迫时,购物可以变得非常疯狂,人们会尽快挑选他们需要的东西并迅速离开。

Relaxing shopping: 当你没有特别的目的时,逛街可以是一种放松的方式,你可以随心所欲地浏览商品,享受购物的乐趣。

标签: 英语
